It is the Fourth Age in Middle Earth and the race of Men have clearly taken the lead in returning ME to peace. The Dwarves had participated in the War of the Ring but what then becomes of this hardy race? What is left of their old kingdoms under the mountains?
Dwarves (and other races) in the Fourth Age
While the Wise and most powerful of the elves return to the West, the lesser elves have remained behind. Which of these individual groups still linger and do they have a purpose any longer? And what of the hobbits? With the accomplishment of the Quest, is their role in ME now dwindling after its shining achievements?
Come join us this weekend in #thehalloffire as we discuss the future of Dwarves (and other races) in the Fourth Age
Suggested reading:
Appendices from LoTR: The Return of the King
Upcoming topics:
July 3-4 — The Hobbit, Chapter 10: A Warm Welcome
July 10-11 — Magic in Middle Earth
July 17-18 — Powerful Objects in Middle Earths History
July 24-25 — Gandalf’s Involvement with the Hobbits
August 7-8 — Middle Earths Greatest Cities
August 14-15 — The Hobbit: Chapter 11: On the Doorstep
Chat Times:
Saturday Chat:
5:30pm ET (17:30)
[also 11:30pm (23:30) CET and 9:30am Sunday (07:30) AET]
Sunday Chat:
7:00 pm (19:00) CET
[also 1:00pm (13:00) ET and 5:00am (03:00) Monday morning AET]
ET = Eastern Time, USA’s East Coast
CET = Central European Time, Central Europe
AET = Australian East Coast