It’s time for the Great annual Whine and Cheese Party. Each year after people have had some time to digest the new offering from Peter Jackson, we gather in #thehalloffire and talk about the scenes we loved the most, what irked us, what actors played their parts best etc. Or perhaps you want to talk about the score or the special effects or just why you think this is the best movie ever made?
Upcoming topics:
weekend 240104-250104
Villains in RoTK the movie
weekend 310104-010204
Frodo/Sam/Gollum in the movies
Saturday Chat:
5:30pm ET (17:30)
[also 11:30pm (23:30) CET and 9:30am Sunday (09:30) AET]
Sunday Chat:
7:00 pm (19:00) CET
[also 1:00pm (13:00) ET and 5:00am (05:00) Monday morning AET]
ET = Eastern Time, USA’s East Coast
CET = Central European Time, Central Europe
AET = Australian East Coast
Do you have a possible topic for Hall of Fire? Drop us a line at