Kevin Hand, Campaigns Director for The Tree Council writes: You might be interested to know that UK conservation charity The Tree Council obtained special permission from New Line Cinema to use a Treebeard photo from The Two Towers on posters promoting Seed Gathering Sunday, their campaign to encourage the collection of tree seeds by families and schools and others, to grow new trees for the future. The image can be seen on their website, on the Seed Gathering Sunday pages. We have some posters left over; if anyone would like one send a SAE (with enough postage if outside Uk) to me at The Tree Council, Great Eastern House, Tenison Rd, Cambridge, CB1 2DU.
There were also two competitions – one to win exclusive goody bags from the film to use at Seed Gathering events, which has now finished, and another to win a signed full size movie poster, signed by Billy Boyd (pic attached).
The person who won the poster, James Bisset in Hereford, UK, wants to sell or auction it and donate the funds raised to the Tree Council for their work on promoting trees. I wonder if there is any way we might use your website to help us do this? Let me know if you think you can help, or if you need more information – it is for a good cause!
It is very appropriate, as the Ents have given a new postive image of trees to many people through the book and the film, and Tolkien himself was very fond of trees and nature – thinking about it, we also have an article about him and the trees he grew up with by Tony Tyler, author of The Tolkien Companion, in our magazine Tree News, which could be ordered from the same address for UK£2.99 (UK post free.)
The poster is 40 x 30″, rolled, no fold marks, and has never been used.