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Shelob writes: Paving the way for The Return of the King next month, Viggo Mortensen, the King himself, visited last week the biggest city in South America: São Paulo, where the Tolkiendili community is huge and faithful. There were no public appearances but a “Meet and Greet” party yesterday, November 6th, at the Hotel where Mr. Mortensen stayed. The newborn Brazilian Tolkiendili Federation was asked to send 6 members to the party, one for each of the 6 Societies that founded the Federation: Amon Hen, Dúvendor, Heren Hyarmeno, the P’nei Saltitante (Prancing Pony), Valinor and the Conselho Branco (White Council). All representatives were ecstatic to meet “King Elessar” in person! This spider could not be there, but reports say that Viggo was exceedingly gentle to the fans, signed a lot of autographs and tried to speak portuguese – but was better understood by the Tolkiendili when talking in Sindarin! Share our joy and some of our photos.