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MrCere writes:
Sandy, Utah, a burb of Salt Lake is the area’s hot spot as fans couldn’t wait to buy 9 a.m. tickets for Trilogy Tuesday. At least 48 hours before tickets went on sale, the staff at Megaplex 17 allowed a tent city to pop up in anticipation for the only theater with the trilogy in the state of Utah.
Instead of the announced 1100 tickets expected to be sold, Jordan Commons announced New Line said they wanted only a single theater cutting the number to 500 available. Each person will be allowed to buy 6 tickets meaning that at the time of the announcement Wednesday, every ticket was spoken for. Those in line past the magical number stayed anyway, in hopes that some tickets would slide their way.
TORn was well represented, speaking for at least 50 of the tickets available, playing “Lord Of The Rings Risk” and enjoying the mix with other fans and throwing a pizza party with a friendly manager and ringer giving a discount. Yea Dominos!
Keith Johnson of the Deseret Morning News was on the scene to capture
these images. Thanks Keith!