He’s been a carrot-chomping resident of Bree in ‘Fellowship of the Ring,’ a rock-hurler at Helm’s Deep in ‘The Two Towers’ …. But now, Ringer Spy Jenisa points out what may possibly be Peter Jackson’s most cleverest disguise of all!!

Hi! I was on your site a couple of days ago, going through your gallery and I came across this pic. The person said it was a still from the Two Towers. I dont doubt that is it, it’s just that I found it was curious about what I saw in it. Right smack in the middle I noticed Peter Jackson in it..lol Sound crazy I know, but I wouldnt be so persistant if it wasn’t the first thing that I saw when I viewed it. Just have a look-see and I sent the pic with a circle to indicate where I saw him, lol… So yeah, looks like he is pointing at us!
Have a good day,
Bochum, Germany
maegwen here, tongue firmly in cheek, and I have to say that I’ve never been one of those people who were any good at “Magic Eye” puzzles or “Where’s Waldo?” … but I actually see Peter in the rocks too, lol. By the way, check out the original TTT:EE image here.