Gilgalad70 writes:
Big queues for Kristanna Loken, who is stunning, and seems very fan friendly. Maybe her rating in Autograph mag made her change..
Lawrence Makoare (Lurtz) is getting good queues. He was wearing a LOTR movie fleece today. And shades…… (?) He told me he is 3 parts in ROTK. Witch King of Angmar, a Captain/general of the Orc Army, and a foot soldier character. the capt/Lieutenant is another character creation from PJ, apparently.
News of Collectormania 5 in May has 3 names, Val Kilmer, Brad Dourif (Wormtongue) and some guy from SG-5 or something.
Sala Baker (Sauron) is not seeming to get big queues again, but he does like to circulate and have lots of breaks. He has a few proper character pics this time, one with full name and character credits. He also has most of the screen grabs from C3 and C2. Lawrence has Lurtz, Lurtz and more Lurtz. No Witch King or even a hint of his Bond baddy character.
Everyone, and I mean everyone seems to be looking forward to Sunday/Sat with a large, measure of dread and fear, with the hobbits being posted around the alleyways off the main square, similar to how they posted Billy Boyd (Pippin)/Andy Serkis (Gollum) and Robert Englund last time.
Tons of LOTR merchandise including a few cells from the Bakshi movie, or at least they appear to be cells.