“I’m almost done, just want to read a few more chapters,” says my significant other last night at Barnes and Noble.
I nod vaguely and continue my quest to understand MySQL databases within a 3 inch thick reference guide.
“Oh my Gosh! You’re website is in here!”
“What?” I dig my nose out of the reference manual and finally pay attention to what my significant other is reading: A Field Guide to the Urban Hipster by Josh Aiello.
“You’re kidding, right?” This is another joke on her part, I’m sure.
“No, look, TheOneRIng.net, right below AintitCool.com and above TheForce.net.”
Instantly intrigued by a mention of TORn in anything, I ask to take a look and read the following:
Book Excerpt:
THEONERING.NET (www.theonering.net) — Select a “dwarvish name” and apply your “pointy ears” before logging on to discuss the “feeblemindedness of Tooks” while waiting “Gandalf’s return.” Whether pondering literature in the “Tolkien room” or pitting “Billy the Pony” against “Aslan the Lion” in the “arena,” a lack of humor is essential, as questions pertaining to the “physical composition of Elrond’s sword” must be addressed with the seriousness of “Bilbo Baggins.”
LOLOL! I don’t know about you, but that is pretty darn funny. In fact, this whole book is a great read and worth picking up. The entire ‘Guide’ walks you through the stereotypes and generalizations that we all make in society and keeps you on the floor rolling with hysterics.
A word of warning to parents however. This book essentially PG-13.
I’ve scanned in a few of the pages for your viewing pleasure.