Nick sends along this email in regards to some comments from another email we posted here a few days ago. He argues that the folks at have been nothing but professional and courteuous, we at TORN wish to add that we have nothing against, we are simply providing views of all sides in this debate.
Nick writes:
In a recent article about fake autographs for sale on the web, you also included a response from some other upset buyers. One of these people highlighted and its owner Rene Van Rossenburg as being unreliable.
I would just like to provide an alternate view of this great Tolkien Web Emporium. I have bought many expensive items from Rene over the last year and even got hold of the exclusive Weta Cave Troll bust, months before it was released here in the UK. All sales have been smooth and quick and the items delivered in excellent condition and excellently packaged.
Rene is always very courteous and helpful in all communications from enquiries about pre-orders and shipping to sales information. He is well-know in Europe and has spoken/displayed at many official Tolkien events.
I feel it unfortunate that a legitimate businessman with a great online store could possibly lose sales because of one biased opinion.
I know Rene is aware of the article and will no doubt be contacting you himself, but I felt that I must write to you to offer the story of a satisfied customer.