This time it’s elanor the fair that wrote a little bit about last night’s concert:
well, this is the first chance i have had to give any kind of report on yesterday’s concert. I must say i agree with the last report when they said that if you ever get the chance to see Howard Shore and the London Philharmonic perform anywhere remotely near you get tickets. Don’t think about how to get there or what you might have to do for the next day just make sure you get to expereince the magic.It truly was a memorable day. Nothing on this earth could have stopped me from being there.
I remember thinking, as the musicians entered and all the crowd were eagerly waiting for them to start, how lucky i was. Yes, it was the same music, though with a few changes here and there to make sure it all ran smoothly between songs, but it sounded clearer, you could hear the trumpets clearer and the choirs were flawless. But i think i ought to take this opportunity to correct something that was previously stated: Edward Ross (who originally performed ‘In Dreams’ and is consequently my favourite song) did not perform it on sunday, nor was Gandalf’s Lament performed by Elizabeth Fraser. They were (whoever did perform the pieces) perfect anyway and i thoroughly enjoyed their performances. At the end there was a rousing applause for Howard Shore and al the musicians and performers and a chain reaction in which we started to standup to cheer, whistle and clap, we all wanted to shout ‘encore, encore!’ the crowd was buzzing with excitement and gratitude for bringing Middle-earth to life for an hour.
If there is a concert for TTT next year you can be certain that i’ll be there. It was something that’ll remember for the rest of my life. And just a quick thank you to whoever first reported last summer that there was going to be a concert in London – if it weren’t for you i (nor my very thankful friend hannah who felt very privileged as i asked her first) wouldn’t have known and would never have had such an amazing experience.