From Ringer PD:

Hey guys 🙂

So, I’m supposed to be working, and instead I’m surfing – what’s new! Anyway, I randomly came upon a cool site called … the site allows you to link any actor with any other actor, through the actors they’ve appeared in movies with – as in the old game “six degrees of Kevin Bacon.” The interesting part is this. The site figured out that on average, any given actor has 2.9 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon… so they went and figured out who is the REAL center of the actor universe… and guess who? Our very own Christopher Lee. If you take all actors in any movie ever made and average out how many people it takes to get to Christopher Lee you get only 2.622940 !! Which proves Christopher Lee is the most prolific actor ever!!!

I included the top twenty bellow for your enjoyment.. check out the site, it’s actually fun 🙂

Lee, Christopher (2.622940)
Steiger, Rod (2.627270)
Pleasence, Donald (2.651306)
Welles, Orson (2.661389)
Sutherland, Donald (2.662426)
von Sydow, Max (2.662549)
Hopper, Dennis (2.665564)
Quinn, Anthony (2.667077)
Heston, Charlton (2.670193)
Hackman, Gene (2.675916)
Keitel, Harvey (2.677892)
Connery, Sean (2.681795)
Caine, Michael (2.682431)
Mitchum, Robert (2.682564)
Stanton, Harry Dean (2.683768)
Sheen, Martin (2.684875)
Winters, Shelley (2.696842)
Plummer, Christopher (2.698008)
Gould, Elliott (2.699126)
Borgnine, Ernest (2.702159)