CNN, AICN, ABC, NYT … arghh … I’m going review mad here! Anyway, here is a review round-up from critics and sites around the world. And remember, if you have a fan review, you’ll be able to post it in our Two Towers review section very very soon …

Spoilers may lurk in these reviews!!

First up, Ms Allegro’s review from [More]

CNN’s review: [More]

The New York Times (registration required): [More]

A quote: The director Peter Jackson’s scrupulous devotion to the spirit of J. R. R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy manifests itself in a gripping, intense fashion for the second of the film adaptations, “The Two Towers.”

Fandango: [More]

MSNBC: [More] and [More]

ABC news: [More]

The Guardian: [More]

The Onion: [More] plus an amusing [infographic].

Metacritic’s reviews compilation: [More]

Chicago Tribune: [More]

USA Today: [More] and []More]

Penny Arcade: [More]

AICN: [More]

The LA Times Gollum article (we posted the scan already, but it’s worth a second look!): [More]

IGN Filmforce: [More]

And now I’m reviewed out! Thanks to everyone who sent in the links – far too many people to mention, but your work is much appreciated!