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Tim from Games Workshop writes:
I noticed the discussions about the Uruk-Hai bombs; (Read Mortor Bomb Of Saruman’s? from October 8th) you can see one on the link above now actually. I’m painting up a Siege Attackers set now that includes one of them 🙂
Also, we’ll be doing a Two Towers gaming event on the 19th:
For those on the Northern Virginia area, we’re doing a big LotR event at the Tysons Corner Mall in McLean, Virginia. It will be on Saturday October 19, from 10am onwards.
We’ll be fighting The Last Alliance on a 16 foot long table, along with the huge Mt Doom we had at Games Day. We’ll also have several tables to demo The Two Towers, and also lots of new figures on display too. We’ll also be showing a neat video all about how we made our LotR game, hosted by designer Rick Priestley.
If you can make it, it should be fun – hope to see you there! We’ll be in the Fashion Court near Nordstrom’s.