The preliminary programme for the 2002 Worldcon, this year in San Jose California is now available online here
There are a lot of Tolkien related items, some of which I’ve listed below, but perhaps most interesting to TheOneRing readers will be the Hugo Awards, the annual ‘ Oscars’ of the SF & Fantasy world, and of course LotR:FotR is nominated in the category of Best Dramatic Presentation! The results will be announced on the evening of Sunday 1st September.
Tolkien and the 21st Century Thursday 2:30pm CC A5 Harold Bloom says he won’t be read. Tom Shippey says he’s essential. Diana L. Paxson, David Bratman, Teresa Edgerton, Dr. Elizabeth Anne Hull, Philip Kaveny
SIG: The Lord of the Rings Fan Club Thursday 5:30pm CC C3C4
Sound & Spirit: Lord of the Rings Sneak Preview Friday 11:30am CC A3 When Ellen Kushner became host of the national, public radio show _Sound & Spirit_, in 1996 she swore that someday she would do an entire hour on _The Lord of the Rings_. This year, she finally pulled it off! Catch a sneak preview of most of this highly-produced radio piece (including an interview with Michael Swanwick), which will be broadcast in November, 2002. Ask Kushner how and why it happened, and discuss Tolkien, sound and spirit with Kushner. Ellen Kushner
Tolkien vs. Peake Saturday 11:30am CC D Is it only a twist of fate that Tolkien is popular and Peake is only beloved by a few? What would a fantasy genre based on Peake be like? Would a Peake clone be any less bad than a Tolkien clone? Why do they have to be in opposition? Karen Haber, Gordon Van Gelder, jan howard finder, Lisa Goldstein, Jon DeCles
Costuming from Lord of the Rings Saturday 4:00pm CC C1C2 Lord of the Rings has spawned a number of lively discussion groups and high costumer interest. Get deep into the nuts and bolts of this popular film’s costuming. Cat Devereaux, Mary Cordero, Lisa Deutsch Harrigan
Tolkien as an Iceberg Sunday 11:30am CC D The Silmarillion and other works below the surface. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, David Bratman, Tom Whitmore, Elizabeth Humphrey
Book to Movie and Back Again Sunday 2:30pm CC J1J4 Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings were made into movies. Attack of the Clones became a book. Which translation works better? Is this intrinsic to the type of translation? What, for instance, would the novelization of Lord of the Rings look like? Eleanor M. Farrell, Steve Saffel, John Steakley
Film: _Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring_ Hugo Nominee Sunday 4:30pm F Imperial Ball
Hugo Awards Sunday 8:00pm Civic Auditorium