David Jones (Woden, ACT) are giving away a book with the DVD of FOTR: The book they’re giving away is The LOTR Visual Companion which came out late last year. It’s AUS$39.95 (ie the same price as the DVD here), so if you don’t have it yet it’s a pretty good freebie. I don’t know if other DJs stores are doing it though.
Also, one of the many digital artists who worked on LOTR is doing a seminar on digital effects as part of the Australian Science Festival in Canberra. Here’s the blurb from the ASF booklet:
The Art of Digital Effects in Feature Films
Digital artist Paul Kirwan has worked on films such as “Lord of the Rings”, “Titanic” and “Babe, Pig in the City”. Paul, a former animation student at the Australian National University, returns to Canberra for this presentation. Sat Aug 17, 6pm, Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science. Bookings advised (02) 6248 2000, all ages, $3.
Thanks to K for the news.