9:41am PT
Hello everyone. I am in horror this morning. I realize that the news sites are all very slow at the moment so I’m going to provide this page which I’ll try to update with the latest news. I will do this for as long as I can stand it. I am literally feeling ill at the horror of this event.
The United State Military has put the entire Atlantic Fleet – Threat Con Delta – Largest threat level. Its the level it goes to at times of war.
I’m done updating folks. I want to spend some time with family and friends. I think the news sites should be upadting pretty regularly and should be able to be accessed now. here is one link that I found which has the latest news. http://www.masslive.com/newsflash/index.ssf?/pages/terrorism.html
266 Confirmed Dead.
Official Announcement from American Airlines
Two Hijacked Planes
Flight 11 – 767 – Boston to LA 81 passengers, 2 pilots, 9 crew
Flight 77 – 757 – Dullus to LA 58 passengers, 2 pilots, 4 crew
Both have crashed and were used in these terrorist attacks.
United Airlines 93 – 757 – Newark to San Fran – Unknown passangers. Confirmed crashed south of Pittsburgh.
The Facts:
– 2 planes crashed into the world trade center.
– The first flight was a hijacked plane from Boston to LA, American Airlines Flight 11
– The second plane, which we watched hit the second tower on LIVE tv, proved that this was a terrorist attack
– Both towers are completed destroyed.
– Manhattan has been sealed off. No train or bus service.
– Fighter jets are circling Lower Manhattan and DC. 16 jets are in DC.
– President Bush has devoted ALL federal resources to finding out who did this.
– The White House and the Pentagon are being evacuated.
– A plane has crashed into the heliport at the Pentagon in Washington DC. 9:40 Flight, a 767. Was originally thought to be a USAir Flight, but USAir confirms it was not.
– American Airlines Flight 77 From Dullus to Los Angeles. 54 Passengers was hijacked. Might be the plane that went down near Pentagon.
– Plane crash 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Somerset County near Route 30. United 93 757 Newark to San Fran
“A passanger onboard used cell phone to call 911 and got an operator in Somerset county and told the operator that this wasn’t a hoax the plane had been hijacked and that they needed help. He kept the line open and reported an explosion in the plane and seeing white flame coming towards him….and the line went dead. This is being reported on local news here in Pitts.”
– Sears Tower in Chicago is being evacuated.
– FAA Is shutting down all take offs. All airports are being closed.
– US borders have been closed.
– A first, military jets are patrolling over Washington DC.
– President of Palestine has condemned the attack.
– The Talaban, of Afghanistan, is denying any involvement.
– Los Angeles and San Fran on tactical alert.
– Arabic newspaper says Bin Laden warned 3 weeks ago he would attack American interests. He promised a very big one.
– Worldwide places of interest being evacuated.
– 22 International flight diverted to Canada (9:30am)
– 50 Flights still in the air trying to reach location. (9:30am)
– 2 International flights from Europe, in which they have no responded.(9:30am)
First time in US history that all flights are being grounded.
– The second flight was not a regular plane, but there were no windows on the side, which means it was not a passanger jet.
– Rumors have Osama Bin Laden responsible.
– Democratic front of the Libyian Palestinian Front is rumored to have been involved.
– Two more Hijacked flights might be on the way to LAX
– FAA getting numerous calls about possible hijackings.
– United Flight 175 is missing (Boston to LA)
– The Intelligence Dept says there was no advance warning. At all.