Heya TORN. Spotted this on the website of the Dunedin Methodist Mission, New Zealand. One of the mission’s priests – a self-confessed LOTR fan – is giving an evening talk about the Lord of the Rings this August 29 as part of the church’s Open Education Programme (ignore the date of 2000 on the web page – it’s a typo). The talk will focus on the good vs evil and religious themes of LOTR.
Can’t think of a better way to spend a cold winter night in the southern South Island, myself…..
New Zealand.
Our Open Education Programme for 2001 Our parish is again offering an Open Education Programme, with, we hope, something of interest for everybody. It is an “open” programme, because we welcome the participation of people from other churches and from the wider community. There is a small charge for each session – generally $5.
If any of these grabs your attention, and you have not otherwise registered your interest, please ring the Methodist Mission Office, 477 2000, to check that the arrangements listed here still hold, and to indicate your intention to join in.
The Lord of the Rings
Speaker: Rev Donald Phillipps
The Rev Donald Phillipps is a former President of the Methodist Church, to which he has given and still is giving distinguished service. In his spare time he is a lover of cricket and choral music — and the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Later this year the first of three films directed by New Zealander Pater Jackson and based on the famous trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, by English writer J.R.R. Tolkien, will be released to a world-wide audience. If you haven’t already entered Tolkien’s hugely imaginative and magical world of hobbits, elves, orcs, ents, ring-wraiths and Dark Riders, or followed Frodo, Sam and Pippin, or met Sauron, the Dark Lord, Gandalf the wizard, the noble Aragorn, Gollum and all the rest, read the books now and get ready for the film by hearing about the world of the Lord of the Rings from an expert and enthusiast.
The Lord of the Rings is more than an epic romance which has a cult following numbered in millions. It is also a serious account of the struggle between good and evil; a masterpiece of fiction with profoundly religious themes. Let Donald Phillipps be your guide. Wednesday August 29, 7.30 – 9 p.m. followed by a light supper. Mornington Methodist Church, Galloway Street, Dundedin.
Cost: $5