Tuor wants to spread the word on a production of ‘The Hobbit.’
“The Hobbit:
13th – 17th February,
Created for stage by Glyn Robbins,
All done by Jim Henson puppets,
£7.50 on the Stall (ground floor area)
£5 in the gallery
A note about the play:
It will be a two hour and twenty minute show all done by puppets with humans working them, all covered in black, and also, when Bilbo puts on the ring, it will look as if he disappears because they put a black cloak over in a very, what’s the word……stylish way.
“An excellant show” – Birmingham Express & Star
“Delight and surprises from Middle Eearth” – Liverpool Daily Express
“Baggins full of action. A vivid fast moving show.” – Nottingham Evening Post
Suitable for 9 years of age and up
For more information or to book go to goh.co.uk
He says he’ll send us a pic of the programme if he gets one. I think this same version of ‘The Hobbit’ has been touring all over the world to very positive reviews.