The Assassinfilms ‘Hobbit’ site is fully operational now, and there’s plenty to look at. There’s a lot of Tolkien-inspired websites out there, but this is one of the most creative ones. Instead of repeating what so many other sites have done, they’ve taken an interest in who Tolkien fans are and what ‘Tolkien culture’ is. They ask the question ‘Who is the Hobbit’ and talk to all kinds of people about the influence Tolkien’s had in their lives. In the case of bands like Glass Hammer, that’s a big influence!
It’s a very stylish site, visually appealing and with clever things on it like the ‘Matrix’ reference in the opening disclaimer.
The website reports on and supports the ‘Searching for the Hobbit’ documentary that they’re making, and there’s plenty to do on it – they’re inviting contributions to the ‘inspirations’ room immediately, and there’s a competition. Mainly though the website lets you download clips of the ‘Making of’ which follows the adventures of the film crew as they interview Tolkien fans around the world.