Recently was contacted by Assassin films, who outlined their ideas for a documentary on Tolkien and his works. As I understood it, they saw a need for something that would introduce the man and the book to people who don’t know who Tolkien is or think he just wrote children’s books. Like us, they were getting tired of the somewhat sneering once-over-lightly treatment Tolkien was getting in the main media worldwide. To this end they are planning to spend time at Oxenmoot and are angling for an interview with JRRT’s daughter Priscilla. Another theme they’re pursuing is the way Tolkien has inspired various famous artists and musicians. Glass Hammer are already booked to give them an interview.
Assassin Films are headed by NZer Mark Morgan and director David Perry, who’s from England. They met in LA where both of them worked in films for a number of years. is interested in this project. This is a good time for this documentary to happen, and these seem like the right people to do it.