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ImladrisRose – Why hello Luke Evans, nice to meet you.
Demosthenes – The trailer in two scenes. Part 1: You’re mad!
Garfeimao – “You have no right to enter that mountain.” Bard always was the sole voice of reason in Lake-town, even if it was all doom and gloom.
Kelvarhin – Bard, trying to rival Thorin for the title of Mr Grumpy.
MrCere – Luke Evans in this role is an excellent bit of casting. The timing of his rising star is a nice side effect for the studios but great for audiences. I expect swooning.


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ImladrisRose – Bard, you are a very attractive man, I find it to be rather intimidating…
Demosthenes – The trailer in two scenes. Part 2: Get stuffed!
Garfeimao – Thorin’s response, ‘Don’t tell me what I can’t do’ or something like that.
MrCere – Speaking of great casting… the power of this shot to remind us that Thorin Oakenshield is physically a dwarf and shorter than viewers. I wish we had more shots like this of other dwarves like Fili and Kili. Just a line of dialog does a lot of work here, reminding us that Thorin is stubborn, presenting some conflict and focusing the audience on the main quest.
Sarumann – “I have the only right!” You tell ’em, Thorin!


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ImladrisRose – Awww, Bilbo has blood on his head!
Garfeimao – I don’t believe it is safe to assume Bilbo does not have the Ring on, since we also see him when he’s talking to Smaug, and there ain’t no way that’s happening without Bilbo wearing the Ring. This battle with the spiders is going to give him bumps and bruises and ouchies galore, but he’s gotta earn his little blade a name. And those spiders are scary big and fast.
Gramma – Oh man, Bilbo is being punished!
MrCere – Despite previous images, a careful look makes clear that these spiders are BIG. It is a curious choice; one that is going to make or break the credibility of the movie. In my mind the numbers are as much a worry as their size, and it seems incredible that Bilbo would have a chance against even one of them. Clearly these spiders are pre-Thranduil but I wonder if it would make more sense that the Elves would keep an eye on their own forest realm? In THE HOBBIT book I found it odd that the elves weren’t more concerned about this spider colony.


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ImladrisRose – SPIDERS! YES!
Elessar – Bilbo and the spiders. I’m curious to see and whether the Spiders get as annoyed with him in the movie as they did in the book.
Entmaiden – Bilbo and the Spiders! Yikes!
Gramma – Goosebumps! I just got Goosebumps!
Kelvarhin – Oh Wow! Bilbo battling the spiders! *shudders* Comment from my son: “They look like huge red-back spiders” Now there’s something to give me nightmares…
Saystine – Spiders. I may have my eyes closed during this entire sequence of the movie!


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Gramma – Still got Goosebumps! JUST MORE OF THEM!


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ImladrisRose – I found Gandalf!
Garfiemao – It’s all Gandalf and Dol Guldur, but is there more than one timeline going on here? How can there be that many Orcs there? Or are the Orcs coming form somewhere else, on their way to the Lonely Mountain ready to rumble?
Mithril – Gandalf is still in Dol Guldur.
MrCere – I wonder if this is all CG or if the blurry foreground was practical against a green screen background? I am confident Weta Digital is up to making either one look great.


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Demosthenes – Gandalf seems to be entering Dol Guldur alone. No Radagast. Another noteworthy thing is that none of Cate Blanchett, Christoper Lee and Hugo Weaving are listed in the credits for DOS. Coupled with some statements Blanchett has made, this seems to lend weight to a growing theory that the Dol Guldur confrontation with Sauron will not occur until TABA.
Elessar – Gandalf in Dol Guldur? What does Gandalf find? Either way this should be awesome.
Gramma – What a contrast to #6! Cold, hard, reeking of danger!
greendragon – Beautiful, iconic Gandalf shot.
Kelvarhin – Gandalf entering Dol Guldur? Or is this the High Fells?
MrCere – I will admit some concern for the Gandalf story. I wasn’t excited by how the Witch-king appeared in the first film and while I like – no love – the whole Dol Guldur concept, I am wrinkling my nose that it has been dumbed down to make sure we get the familiar HEY THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS messages. Tolkien’s wraith lore was plenty potent already. On the other hand, we know the acting will be top-notch.
Sarumann – I think we will see that Dol Guldur is far more expansive than what we saw in AUJ. After all, Radagast only made it as far as the courtyard before he got chased off.


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ImladrisRose – The fact that we are blessed with him as Gandalf for two more films is something I will always be thankful for.
Demosthenes – Gandalf’s dialogue is the point where I was sold on this trailer. It’s super-intense. Maybe the film should just be McKellen reading the book, with Cumberbatch doing the Smaug lines. That would be ace.
Sarumann – Just like Tauriel, Gandalf seems to be one of the few who really understands what’s going on.


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ImladrisRose – Creepy.
Kelvarhin – I first thought this was the attack on Dol Guldur, but now I’m wondering if it’s a flashback to the Last Alliance.
MrCere – Could this be a scene from the third film? I think the point here is to demonstrate great and familiar peril to audiences, you know like “More Scary Orcs From The Director Who Brought you THE LORD OF THE RINGS!”
Rud the Spud – This shot got me really excited! This appears to be an army emerging from Dol Guldur.

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