Holidays in Middle-earth are based on the turning of the seasons, as they are in our own world. Yule, as Tolkien named the winter celebration in his novels, is led off by the Winter Solstice. The history of Yule can be traced back thousands of years to the Norse peoples, whom we know J.R.R had an affinity for. During this holiday, the Yule log (an entire tree fed gradually into the fireplace), decorated trees, wassailing (caroling), and roasting of wild boar were the centerpieces, from which current traditions are derived.

As we relax beside the crackling fire, And the wind tosses branches in the pine, Into a snow globe of Middle-earth, let us peer Upon the festive winter holidays in the Shire, Icicles on the Golden Hall that sparkle and shine, The sound of sleigh bells in Ithilien drawing near, The frost-glint upon holly and fields of briar, The sumptuous fare on which the Elven-folk dine. 'Tis a time of joy in Middle-earth, for Yuletide is here. – Mithril