Join Fili, Kili, and Sam to learn beginning Western trail riding! But even with transportation, will they make it to the Renaissance Faire in time to see their friends the Wicked Tinkers play?
If you enjoy Happy Hobbit then please be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and “like” us on Facebook to share in our hobbity fun!
Kili ventured to the mountains in the east for a spooktacular celebration and met several delightful folks along the way! Filmed in Sonora, CA.
Have you ever wanted to play an instrument and thought it was too hard? After attempting to learn several, I discovered a hobbit-sized string instrument that is as simple as it is fun, and found myself making music in no time! Join me as I seek audience with a local Dwarven king who not only crafts such instruments, but also carves and paints and spends his life as a wandering tinker (as a true exiled dwarf would)!
By celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, you are also celebrating the Hobbit lifestyle. Join Kili to find out how! And if you enjoyed “Maggie in the Woods,” (found in “Pat Collin’s Fancy” on the album RANT) then be sure to check out the Wicked Tinkers. [Wicked Tinkers] [Happy Hobbit: St Patrick’s Day Special – Episode 13]