Sheldon goes geek again with ‘Reginald: The Widdlest Balgrog’. Check it out at
Tag: Sheldon
Nairn sends in another hilarious strip from Dave Kellett and his comic Sheldon, click on the above image to read it.
Ringer Nairn sends us a link to the latest ‘Sheldon’ comic strip, which uncovers another very interesting Balrog question. [Check it out!]
Garfeimao writes: Looks like Sheldon has now continued the story of Sauron’s army. The link below takes you to the webcomic, and clicking on the forward arrow below the image will take you to at least 3 or 4 more strips that continue the story. No idea when it will end, but it certainly is funny now.
Nairn sends along the latest ‘Sheldon’ comic, with a full on LOTR theme, take a look!