Kerry Shawcross and Chris Demarais, two members of Rooster Teeth Productions (creators of the acclaimed machinima series Red vs Blue, as well as Immersion, and Achievement Hunter), are attempting to “walk into Mordor”.

They’ve set themselves the task of trekking more than 120 miles across New Zealand from the filming location of Hobbiton in Matamata to that of Mount Doom on Mount Ngauruhoe. In just six days. was delighted to debut the first episode of this new web series last week. Now, as the folks at Rooster Teeth and Blip prepare to unleash the second episode on the world later today, Kerry and Chris sit down with to chat about their “little” tramp across New Zealand’s North Island. Continue reading “Rooster Teeth pair talk about their “walk into Mordor””

“One does not simply walk into Mordor.” It’s one of the classic catchphrases from Lord of the Rings. But is it true?

To celebrate the release of The Hobbit this month, Kerry Shawcross and Chris Demarais, two members of Rooster Teeth Productions (the creators of the acclaimed machinima series Red vs Blue*, as well as Immersion, and Achievement Hunter), decided to find out for themselves. They’ve set themselves the task to complete in just six days the 120+ mile journey across New Zealand from the filming location of Hobbiton in Matamata to that of Mount Doom on Mount Ngauruhoe. Continue reading “Exclusive video: can one simply walk into Mordor?”