Katey Rich cinemablend.com writes: I was surprised to hear that Tintin, Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of the Belgian comic strip, begins filming this week. This week! Hasn’t this project been in development for so long you thought it would never be made? But this week Andy Serkis is preparing to step into the role of Captain Haddock, Tintin’s hard-drinking but loyal best friend, even as his new movie, Inkheart, opens in theaters.
I spoke to Serkis last week, and while we talked a lot about his villainous role in Inkheart, he was generous enough to talk about Tintin and his return as Gollum in Lord of the Rings as well. I’ve included those parts of our conversation below, which includes his thoughts on both those top-secret projects, working with Doug Jones on The Hobbit, and the rise of motion-capture filmmaking in general. Cinemablend Interviews Andy Serkis