It’s safe to say that following the release of any film adaptation, conversation naturally veers to discussing divergences from the original work and creative license taken by the filmmakers. But what of those moments in which the film follows the lead of the novel more closely? A couple of
days ago, over on our forums, Ringer Barrow-Wight started a topic, including a LIST of many moments throughout The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, in which events and/or dialogue were very faithfully transferred from book to film. We’ve got it below for you to read.
After you take a look at Barrow-Wight’s list, be sure to check out this link, posted further down in the thread, which examines the differences between the films and the book: “The Hobbit: A List of Differences between the movies and the book” Continue reading “From The Hobbit to An Unexpected Journey: A look at the similarities and differences of a film adaptation”