Amy H. Sturgis writes: I just wanted you to know that I am interviewed on the latest episode of the Chivalry Today podcast about my newly published book project, The Magic Ring: Deluxe Illustrated Edition by Baron de la Motte Fouqué, illustrated by Tolkien artist Jef Murray. In the roughly 40-minute interview, I discuss my editing work, Fouqué, magic rings, epic fantasy, and of course Tolkien with host Scott Farrell. If you listen, I hope you enjoy!
Tag: Amy H. Sturgis
Dr. Amy H. Sturgis will be giving the keynote address (“Pushing the Boundaries of English Studies: From Middle-earth to Hogwarts”) at this year’s English Studies Symposium at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee on March 21, 2009. The event will include a full day of presentations made by graduate students and faculty from universities all over the Southeast. There is a fee to attend, but there’s also a fully catered deli lunch at no extra cost. If you’re in/near the area, please join us! More information is available here.