During Comic-Con 2018, our friend Jerry Vanderstelt was at the Weta Workshop booth creating a beautiful art print of the Gandalf the Grey Mini Epic. I, as well as many others, asked Jerry if he could turn this into a print because we all knew folks would want to own it. Right now we have just a preview for you, cool behind the scenes, and a message from Jerry himself. Once this is officially announced, we will let you know so you can place your order.
Hi Gang.
Ok, so although some of you well know, I can officially now announce that I have a brand new piece of art coming very soon, in time for Christmas shoppers!
It is my Epic Mini stylized Gandalf art, entitled, “Gandalf the Grey”.
I will announce right here once I have an exact launch date. At that time, I will post a special promotional video with a very special guest introducing how all this came about, someone every fan of Weta Workshop and the world of Middle Earth will recognize .
For now, here is the full art as well as the video link showing the painting process! This image is a very lo-res shot, but the actual print is super sharp. Sorry for the watermark, but it’s a must nowadays!