Our friends at La Sociedad Tolkien Española (STE) have informed us that they are now taking submissions for their 12 annual Ælfwine Awards contest. Held every year to further the study of the works and life of J.R.R. Tolkien, the contest is open to anyone who has an interest in writing about Tolkien and/or his writings, from amateurs to professionals. Essays may be submitted in either Spanish or English and are due no later than October 1, 2016 to the following email address: premiosaelfwine
The winning essays will be published on their website in November, 2016. First prize includes 120 Euros and a year’s free membership in the Spanish Tolkien Society. Second prize is a year’s free membership in their Tolkien Society. Keep reading for the complete rules.
The Spanish Tolkien Society (STE), with the aim of promoting and encouraging the knowledge and study of J.R.R. Tolkien’s life and works, announces its 12th edition of the Ælfwine essay awards, which are subject to the following RULES:
First – Any person may participate, except for the Jury members.
Second – Essays, written in Spanish or English, must be original and be referred to the work or the person of JRR Tolkien. The Jury will, ultimately, decide if they meet this requirement, according to the Eleventh Rule.
Third – Essays will have a maximum length of ten thousand (10,000) words.
Fourth – Each participant may submit any number of essays under the same pseudonym, but he or she shall be eligible for one prize only.
Fifth – Texts must be submitted in electronic format under a non-recognizable pseudonym, and with a separate file enclosing the author’s contact data: name, address, phone number and email. Their receipt will be acknowledged as soon as possible. The name of the files will be as follows:
“Pseudonym”-“essay title”.*
“Pseudonym”- contact data. *
Agricola-Dragons lair.*
Agricola- contact data.*
We recommend using 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. Those files must be sent by email to: premiosaelfwine@sociedadtolkien.org.
Sixth – The deadline date for submission of essays will be October 1st, 2016.
Seventh – The result of the contest will be posted on the official website of the association www.sociedadtolkien.org on November, 2016. The winners will be directly notified the place and time of the award ceremony in due time.
Eighth – The prizes are as follows:
1st prize: 120 Euros, a year’s free membership to the Spanish Tolkien Society and a diploma.
2nd prize: a year’s free membership to the Spanish Tolkien Society and a diploma.
The Jury reserves the right to grant runner-up and honorary awards, with a diploma but without monetary prize
Ninth– The Jury may declare the prizes void.
Tenth – The STE reserves the right to publish the winning essays. It may also publish any unawarded essays, but always asking for the author’s written permission first.
Eleventh – The Jury reserves the right to resolve any issue not covered by these rules, and their decisions will be unappealable. The composition of the Jury is: Juan José Sáez Rodríguez, Josu Gómez Pérez, María Jesús Lanzuela González and Ana María Mariño.
Twelfth – For any question related to this contest, email to premiosaelfwine@sociedadtolkien.org.
Thirteenth – Entering this contest implies full acceptance of these Rules.