
[Demosthenes] Gandalf’s line “you have only one question…”
[AzogTheDefiler] Thorin in the gold will happen eartly i think
[AmydaughterofBev] May I mention Gandalf”s quote? It is now my screensaver at work, much to my boss’ displeasure.
[jenniearcheo] Many BOFA orc shots. And now we see the end of Bard’s weird runaway cart dash through Dale. He hits a big bald . . . half troll?
[jenniearcheo] lol
[Demosthenes] AmydaughterofBev: sure
[Demosthenes] I don’t think it’s my fave line tbh but a lot of others like it.
[AmydaughterofBev] That is all. I thought it was placed perfectly in the trailer.
[jenniearcheo] I can see a boss disliking “How will this day end?” lol
[DuBekar] Gandalf’s line is probably when he’s trying to get the Elves and Dwarves and Men to work together to fight the Orcs instead of killing each other over the treasure.
[AzogTheDefiler] That thing is so ugly is he the new Goblin King or just a Half-Troll commander?
[thatJustin] Gandalf line is two different parts of the movie
[Demosthenes] DuBekar: good theory. maybe it’s after the wargs start showing up?
[thatJustin] that orc troll looks like Tom Wilkinson
[Orionsangel] I saw all the Lord of the Rings films with my Dad & the two Hobbit films. He doesn’t get out much at his age. So seeing the final Hobbit with him in theaters will be bittersweet for me.
[gundabad] probably new leader of goblins after great goblin
[Demosthenes] justin: could be for sure
[AzogTheDefiler] So the orcs of goblin town will join dol guldur
[DuBekar] Yeah. In the book, Gandalf stops them at the last second from charging each other by reminding them of their true enemy. Makes sense that scene would appear in some form in the movie.
[Demosthenes] I still think it’s a bit … yano … generic
[AmydaughterofBev] DuBekar, I agree it is likely a rallying cry to the troops.
[mib_yjpgmg] Tauriel gonnaaa dieeee
[thatJustin] Tauriel gonna die as much as Gandalf gonna die as much as Raddy gonna die


[Demosthenes] Also, among that sequence … we’ve got legolas fighting bolg.
[AzogTheDefiler] Ah yes the rematch
[Demosthenes] also seems to be Ravenhill
[AmydaughterofBev] Liked a boss!
[jenniearcheo] After he throws her]
[jenniearcheo] ?
[AmydaughterofBev] Like…sorry.
[Demosthenes] But, presumably, Bolg will have to get away?
[gundabad] legolas will not deliver final blow beorn will
[Demosthenes] jennie: maybe after Tauriel gets hurled.
[jenniearcheo] And because?
[Demosthenes] gundabad: agreed
[DuBekar] Legolas has a score to settle. He doesn’t like his nose getting bloodied.
[AmydaughterofBev] Maybe that is when Beorn appears?
[jenniearcheo] Oh, that’s right
[AzogTheDefiler] I think Beorn will kill that half troll beast he is a big guy it would be a good fight
[Demosthenes] jennie: because this is a skirmish not the main battle
[jenniearcheo] He bloodied the pretty
[Demosthenes] and they need to keep the antagonists until the climax
[Demosthenes] if only to kill Thorin 🙂
[butterfly] 🙁
[AzogTheDefiler] So Thorin kills Azog, maybe Legolas kills Bolg and Beorn kills the new Goblin King
[AmydaughterofBev] Thorin’s death in the book was much less dramatic than it will certainly be portrayed in the movie.
[AzogTheDefiler] The three villains dealt with and everyone is happe because Beorn gets to kill one of them
[Rantsu] I still think that Dain will kill some of the Big Villains.
[DuBekar] I wonder if they’re going to have Beorn carry Thorin off the field. That’s pretty dramatic.
[perry] Will he kill as a man or as a bear?
[gundabad] i dont think that weird troll looking thing will play that big a part
[AzogTheDefiler] I think that big guy is in the movie to fight Beorn
[smaugth3drag0n] More than likely as a bear.
[perry] gunda, I agree, because he just came into the film. No one is invested i him.
[gundabad] hes sjust likely a captain a random
[Rantsu] Kinda a cool reference to the Azanulbizar, especially if he kills Azog, and I think that PJ will show that this Ironfoot is very badass dwarf.
* Barliman Is Frowning At Rantsu Please don’t swear [:( (This is your 1st warning)
[thatJustin] Dain is supposed to be a big ol machine of a dwarf