TORn Boards Member DirectoryWelcome to our collection of TORn’s hottest topics for the past week.  If you’ve fallen behind on what’s happening on the Message Boards, here’s a great way to catch the highlights.  Or if you’re new to TORn and want to enjoy some great conversations, just follow the links to some of our most popular discussions.  Watch this space as every weekend we will spotlight the most popular buzz on TORn’s Message Boards.  Everyone is welcome, so come on in and join the fun!

Before we begin, I’d like to make an announcement!  The TORn Message Board Community has reached a milestone.  After 15 years of chatting and sharing, today we have over 11,000 Registered Members!  Congratulations everyone!  The more the merrier!  So come out and play, all you lurkers hiding in the shadows.  There’s room for 11,000 more!

On The Main Discussion Board, Bracegirdle gave us a fantastic game that I’m still working on!  It’s a worthy challenge to your knowledge of Tolkien character names that YOU can face right here!

In The Reading Room, SaulComposer has stirred a fascinating discussion on Professor Tolkien’s feelings of allegory and his stories.  Join in the debate here.

Want Hobbit Movie News?  TORn poster DanielLB bravely ventures into the very rich and fast-moving Hobbit Discussion Board to collect The Hobbit Headlines.  Check out the past two week’s action here.

We’ll share more topics next week and hope you join in on the conversation!  Don’t forget,’s Message Boards have over 11,000 registered Tolkien fans, just like you.  Let you voice be heard!