Our good friends over at The Hobbit Movies Google-plus blog have been busily converting some of the cool scenes from the trailer for Desolation of Smaug into neat little animated GIFs. We liked them so much, we thought we’d reshare them for you!
So if you’d like an image animation of bear-Beorn chasing the Company, of blasts of scary dragonflame or Thorin Oakenshield in all his majesty, read on!

Beorn emerges from the forest and pursues the Company towards his lodgings. “Exit. Pursued by a bear.”
Bilbo fights for his life against the great spiders of Mirkwood
In a flashback scene, Girion, the Lord of Dale, battles in vain to defend his city from Smaug
Watch out for the dragonflame!
The dwarves take refuge inside Erebors halls as Smaug attempts to roast them
Orcs march forth from Dol Guldur to war.
Legolas in Action!elf mode! Note some of the fight scenes are in Laketown.
Thorin Oakenshield surveys Erebor and the ruins of Dale. Check out all his majesty.
Welcome to the Halls of the Elven-king.
Two different boat trips; two different boats. So what and where are these ruins?