
greendragon – these spiders look great! This is GOOD CGI. 🙂 And there’s another horrible spider in the upper left part of this scene!

Garfeimao – Poor Bilbo looks petrified here, but all his senses are attuned to what is going on around him.

grammaboodawg – Hold still, Bilbo. Something’s coming! Courage. Courage for your friends.


greendragon – look at that ‘candy-striped leg’ – it’s Robert Smith’s worst nightmare! (Cure fans know of what I speak…) 🙂

ImladrisRose – AMAZING CGI

Kelvarhin – the part I’m personally not looking forward to, mainly because I’m a major arachnophobe *shudders*. Still this is looking pretty good.

Garfeimao – my sister watched the Shelob sequence from behind her purse, I’m betting that happens again. This particular spider looks gigantic.

grammaboodawg – I knew it! LEGS!


greendragon – Love Bilbo’s fear as the spider climbs the tree behind him. Again, more great acting from Martin Freeman.

Elessar – Bilbo and the spiders. Yet another moment I can’t wait to see. I hope he uses the ring to kill some of them and we see Bilbo’s fighting spirit come through. It’s a very creepy moment, what we did see, and more dark, nasty Mirkwood is nice.

ButtonLady – Weren’t there a couple spots where Bilbo had forgotten that he had a magical invisibility ring? Could this be one of them? Could he be visible here? Possibly. I know when we see him with Smaug, he can’t be visible, and we assume they just haven’t added the special effect yet. But here, I think it could go either way.

ImladrisRose – I love this so much. So begins the battle of the Bagginses! Which Baggins will have the best spider scene? TBD

Garfeimao – Bilbo’s fear and dread are palpable, bravo Martin. The fact he closes his eyes is amazing, he doesn’t want to know if the death blow is coming.

deej – Is anyone still questioning the decision to cast Martin Freeman in this role? Because I think he’s more than proven himself.

grammaboodawg – Oh geez! Oh geez! Hiding in hobbity style might not work this time, Bilbo. Just closing your eyes probably won’t work!


deej – More dangerous than darkness or desolation?

grammaboodawg – The colouring and shadows of these inserts really represents the darkness of DoS perfectly.

MrCere – The greatest danger of all – until the next movie. The font and floating words are pretty icon now, aren’t they?


greendragon – oo oo oo the opening of the hidden door in the side of the mountain! That ‘thrush knocks and rays of the setting sun shining on the keyhole’ scene is perhaps the one about which I’m most excited – can’t wait to see how they do it!

Saystine – must be the secret door from the inside. It’s like opening the door of destiny!

Earl – This is undoubtedly a trap… I mean… the secret door 🙂 Also, there are lots of writings on the wall above the doorway. Deciphering these is going to be a blast! I wonder if they say “five feet high the door and three may walk abreast”?

ImladrisRose – So pretty, eerie and exciting!

Garfeimao – Thorin, peering in through the secret door, at last. You can almost see the relief in the way he’s standing. Can’t wait to get a better look at the carving on the lintel above that door.

grammaboodawg – Look at that body language. So much weight on this moment.

MrCere – I am nearly as distraught about seeing this as I am about seeing the big dragon later on. I wonder why? It isn’t visually spectacular so I just don’t get it.


grammaboodawg – There’s some armour on that figure next to Thorin in Lake-town.


greendragon – it’s probably just the light, but Thorin looks like he’s got less grey in his hair and beard here – if you compare with shot 021. (Or is it all just cobweb in that shot?) Anyway, he’s cleaned up nicely! 🙂

Garfeimao – Thorin does not listen to the argument of any Elf or even Gandalf for that matter, but. . .

MrCere – Someday Thorin will smile, but it is not this day. This is nice lighting with the stair providing a highlight for a character who is dark. Pretty picture.

grammaboodawg – I’m sure that’s snow falling; but when I first saw it, I wondered if it could have been ash. Not at this point in the story, though. No wonder Bilbo caught a cold 😉


greendragon – Luke Evans looks great as Bard; I think he is going to bring some real gravitas to the role. These movies are so well cast.

Elessar – Bard the Bowman is going to be pretty cool I think. I hope he is a nice bit of action and a touch of Aragorn mixed. That will make for a great adaptation; and I think maybe you can infer some of that here.

Earl – Is it snowing? I can’t tell. Either way, I love the look of Luke Evans as Bard.

ImladrisRose – Oh Bard, you had me at “hello”… 😀

Kelvarhin – Bard’s looking pretty good.

Garfeimao – Bard finally makes a rational argument of why Thorin’s quest may not be such a good idea after all. And he looks good doing it.

deej – Is it just me, or does anyone else get a ‘Will Turner’ vibe from Luke Evans portrayal of Bard? Not that I’m complaining!

MrCere – Pretty handy for the film that this guy was just in the car racing franchise. He is in the process of becoming a big, big star. I think it is clear Bard will do more than just show up and fire arrows. Those cone helmets in the background are crazy! Is that Santa Claus in the background over his left shoulder?

grammaboodawg – And here is Bard. Dwalin is standing awfully close. Why do I get the feeling he’s ready to defend Thorin if need be? There’s a man wearing a helm that resembles what we saw when Dale was attacked in AUJ.


grammaboodawg – Gandalf in full battle… and he’s lost his hat! More Please!! 🙂


Elessar – I think we’ve seen this before. lol Of course we saw this in the initial trailer for An Unexpected Journey before it was turned into three films.

Earl – Ah, here’s that Dol Guldur scene again. It better not be pushed to TABA now lol 🙂

Garfeimao – Thrain’s attack on Gandalf; will we finally see the key and map exchange hands?

grammaboodawg – Thrain is attacking Gandalf and Radagast! Where’s Radagast?