We have a director. We have a script. We have a cast. And filming has finally begun!
With all legal issues and director shenanigans finally resolved, TORN’s Hall of fire will hold a series of fortnightly (that’s once every two weeks) Hobbit Rumours Round-up chats over coming weekends that will give Hobbit fans the opportunity to dissect and speculate upon all the latest news from the productions.
These fortnightly chats — starting this Saturday March 25 — will alternate every other week with our chapter-by-chapter discussion of The Hobbit. Yes, that’s tonight! Read more for all the details.
So be sure to join us tonight at 6pm EDT in #thehalloffire on our IRC server and help us pick over all the latest news and rumours!
Time zone conversions
Not sure what time the chat will be where you are? Check this little conversion table out for some help. (NB: The times have been updated to reflect daylight savings starting)
6.00pm EDT (New York)
5.00pm CDT (Chicago)
4.00pm MDT (Denver)
3.00pm PDT (Los Angeles)
10.00pm GMT (London)
8.00am (Sunday) Brisbane
9.00am (Sunday) Sydney, Melbourne
11.00am (Sunday) Wellington
Our chats usually last 45 mins to an hour, and are very newbie friendly. Simply drop in and join the conversation!
Where? (The technical details)
Chat happens on #thehalloffire on irc.theonering.net – the TORn IRC server. You can connect instantly via our java chat client that works inside your web browser (find it here) or choose to install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer and use the connection details below.
Server: irc.theonering.net
Port: 6667
Channel: #thehalloffire
Hall of Fire chat schedule
March 25 — Hobbit Rumours Round-up
April 2 — The Hobbit: Chapter 2 “Roast Mutton”