Forum member Finduilas101 just posted a link to some great LOTR themed music videos from I’m not 100% sure if TORn has reported on these videos in the past, but they are unique and entertaining enough to have a second mention. If you have some time today (in between the Olympics) check out the 30+ videos of LOTR film scenes set to popular music. Gotta say, my personal favorite is the Sauron composition to Black Sabbath’s ‘Iron Man,’ though the Eomer mix to ‘Seven Nation Army’ is pretty solid too. Then again, there is the Modest Mouse ‘Float On’ mix to Merry and Pippin…and then…oh you’ll see… there are a lot of good ones. Going through them all might take a little bit of time, but hey, what else were you going to do today? 🙂 [LOTR Music Videos]