Have you submitted your question yet? The two guiding lights behind the creation of Ringers: Lord of the Fans will join us for a live Q&A chat in the Hall of Fire on Saturday December 17 at the special time of 5pm EST.
Cliff Broadway (aka TORn staffer Quickbeam) and Carlene Cordova (aka TORn staffer Asfaloth) will be on hand to answer your questions about the experience of making Ringers. Ringers, which was narrated by Dominic Monaghan, traces the history of Tolkien fandom from the 50’s to the present day. It examines the way legendary rock musicians, filmmakers, professors, actors, authors and you all unite under the banner of ‘Ringer’. Interviewees in the film include Peter Jackson as well as Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen, Sean Astin and David Carradine. [More]