LOS ANGELES – Humphrey Bogart, Arnold Schwarzenegger (news – web sites) and Jack Nicholson are competing in a war of words. The American Film Institute (news – web sites) is surveying Hollywood types for the top 100 quotes from U.S. movies, with contenders including Bogart’s “Here’s looking at you, kid” from “Casablanca,” Schwarzenegger’s “I’ll be back” from “The Terminator” and Nicholson’s “You can’t handle the truth!” from “A Few Good Men.” The quotes range from the first full sound feature film with Al Jolson (news)’s “Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet” from 1927’s “The Jazz Singer” to creepy creature Gollum (Andy Serkis) hissing “My precious” in 2002’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.” [More]