Brian sends along the 53 chapter titles that will appear on the TTT Theatrical DVD! Take a look!
1. The Foundations of Stone
2. The Taming of Smeagol
3. The Uruk-hai
4. The Three Hunters
5. The Burning of Westfold
6. The Banishment of Eomer
7. On the Trail of the Uruk-hai
8. Night Camp at Fangorn
9. The Riders of Rohan
10. Traces of Merry and Pippin
11. Treebeard
12. The Passage of the Marshes
13. The White Rider
14. Fangorn Forest
15. The Black Gate is Closed
16. The King of the Golden Hall
17. Simbelmyne on the Burial Mounds
18. The King’s Decision
19. A Daughter of Kings
20. Exodus from Edoras
21. The Forces of Ithilen
22. Gollum and Smeagol
23. Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
24. Dwarf Women
25. The Evenstar
26. The Wolves of Isengard
27. Helm’s Deep
28. Isengard Unleashed
29. The Grace of the Valar
30. Arwen’s Fate
31. The Story from Lorien
32. The Window on the West
33. The Forbidden Pool
34. Aragorn’s Return
35. Entmoot
36. The Glittering Caves
37. “Where is the Horse and the Rider?”
38. The Host of the Eldar
39. The Battle of the Hornburg
40. Old Entish
41. The Breach of the Deeping Wall
42. The Entmoot Decides
43. Retreat to the Hornburg
44. Master Peregrin’s Plan
45. Osgiliath
46. The Last March of the Ents
47. The Nazgul Attack
48. Forth Eorlingas
49. The Flooding of Isengard
50. The Tales That Really Mattered
51. “The Battle for Middle-earth is About to Begin”
52. Gollum’s Plan
53. End Credits