Ingve writes: According to the biggest newspaper here in Norway, the running time of ROTK will be 3 h 10 min. PJ is working to make his first 4 hour cut into a 3 h 10 min cut. It is confirmed in the article by the LOTR distributor in Norway, SF Norway.

News of a Photo Safari through NZ: “Our group of 20 participants will explore the very best of New Zealand as we fly in style and total comfort aboard a fully refurbished, private Douglas DC-3 aircraft. This plane is the same aircraft chartered by film director Peter Jackson to transport his cast and crew during the filming of his trilogy — The Lord of the Rings.” [More]

Rosie writes “Big Brother 4 has just started here in the UK (you know – 12 housemates locked in a house and their every move being watched by tv cameras). Well one of them – Jon – is a LOTR fanantic! He knows so much about it and has been seen to bore the other housemates talking about it. So TORN should start a campaign to keep him in the house. He’s up for eviction tonight so he must be saved!” Too late, I think….There’s a lesson there for us all.

Don’t know who PEERS is? Nor did I. They’re a Period Events and Entertainments Recreations Society based in the Bay Area. They look like so much fun I’m kicking myself for not having discovered them when I lived there. Best of all, next February they give “an epic ball of High Fantasy inspired by ROTK,” and celebrating “the hero Aragorn’s coronation as King of the West and his marriage to the fair Arwen Evenstar” [More] Thanks to Julie for the link.

Just a reminder that it’s your last day for voting on what characters and content you’d like to see on the official ROTK CD Cards that Serious are producing this Fall. [More]

More contradictory guesses about some images we posted recently. Spoilers, for some of you. [More]