Ringer Spy Sylvan sent in this EXCLUSIVE! selection of fantastic high-resolution wallpapers for the Two Towers theatrical DVD release – as well as the DVD and VHS artwork! You’ll get a sneak peak at our as-yet unannounced new and improved Scrapbook as well! [More]
Bonus! Ringer Spy Sparrks sent in these fabulous top-quality menu screencaps from the theatrical DVD of the Two Towers…. even [More!]
Update: Also courtesy of Ringer Spy Sylvan, we got our paws on this 30-second TV spot that will be promoting the theatrical DVD release. It’s encoded in Quicktime, so take a look! [More]
*UPDATE* Our good friends at LightsOutEntertainment have posted even more goodies relating to the August releast of the TTT DVD! Check out some clips of the DVD menu screens in action! [More]
*Correction* Insider sources tell us, ‘that the 30 sec. TV spot listed on your site isnt made for TV. It was created only for the CD-ROM.’ Thanks for that info 🙂