Roheryn heard the Figwit interview on netcast, and writes,
“The interview was great! It was good to hear the guys; they were in the studio for over half an hour. The interviewer started off by asking some lame questions (“Jemaine, you’ve done some directing…what advice would you give to Peter Jackson?” Jemaine: “More jokes.”) but he got better, and the guys were really funny. They played two of their songs, “Frodo, Don’t Wear the Ring” and “Albi, the Racist Dragon”, and the interviewer asked Bret a bunch of questions sent in by other people (“How’d you get in to your costume?” “What were you wearing underneath all those robes?”) Found out something I don’t remember hearing before – when Bret was 7, he played Frodo in a stage play of The Hobbit. I bet he was adorable!
“The interviewer twice gave the wrong address for the Figwit Lives! site – and both times Bret corrected him! I thought that was hilarious. One cute little moment: Bret saying “My name is Figwit the Elf. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
“And of course the best part – the guys saying they met us in Edinburgh, and Jemaine said “Actually, they’re probably listening…Hi Iris! Hi Jen!” That’s inDUHvidual and me. *grin*”
Demos here with an addendum:
InDUHvidual over at Figwit Lives recorded the 3RRR interview and converted it into an MP3 format. It’s a 6MB download, but you can grab it from here. We are also co-hosting the interview, so alternatively, you can grab it off the TORn server here. The Frodo song is really funny, and after a slowish start, the interview is very interesting with some great moments from both Jemaine and Brett.