TORNs Big day at DCon
Hah! Mhuirrich here. They gave me the keys to the editor. I’m thinking they won’t make that mistake again.
Saturday arrived bright and early, with your faithful TORN staff waking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed just moments after the first rose-tinted rays of the sun peeked over the tops of the Misty, err, Skyscrapers. OK, I’m sorry, I can’t lie to you guys. I woke up late, feeling like I’d been on the recieving end of a Lurtz temper tantrum. Never play drining games with Dwarfs and Klingons. In any event, I was far better than Calisuri, who actually woke looking as if he’d just popped out of a Uruk-Hai birth pod. Perhaps it was my snoring. [More]