Universal Interactive’s LOTR Game trailer has arrived! Packed with plenty of game play action and video bytes from game designers to the folks at Tolkien Enterprises and our very own Quickbeam! Take a look here! [More]

Here they come, more than 20,000 strong, a good-sized town’s worth of earnest Xenas in leather bustiers, pirates in plumed hats, anime wannabes in Crayola wigs, Hobbits with hairy toes, Klingons speaking in tongues, hyperventilating autograph-seekers and trivia Brainiacs and folks who stay up all night singing weird songs, and . . . holy mother of Harry Potter, is there no end to them? [More]

News from AICN that the latest Cate Blanchett (Galadriel) film ‘The Fountain’ may be hitting a road block after Brad Pitt has apparently left the production (after growing that beard and all…). What it means for our Cate we’ve no idea yet. [More]

TORN Invades Atlanta!

For the latest and greatest information about [Dragon*Con’s] JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth fan track, with details of Tom Shippey’s sessions, please check the updated [Schedule]!

Erik emailed us saying that IMDb.com is listing a running time of 163 minutes for The Two Towers, something that would contradict with a story we ran a few weeks ago about TTT’s running time being 3 hours and 14 minutes. Now it could be that PJ had to cut half an hour of film to get below the three hours, but I doubt it so I guess IMDb.com is being a bit hasty with their presumptions. As always if someone happens to know more about this; drop us a line!

EmpireMovies.com has posted three awesome new pictures from the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers! Take a look at Frodo and Sam in Ithilien, an amazing shot of Isengard and the Riders of Rohan !!spoilers!! [More]