Welcome to Tolkien’s Middle-earth! We’ve got a fantastic schedule of events lined up this year and hope you’ll drop by to visit. We are welcoming back the founders of TheOneRing.net and our Elvish lingustics experts, as well as introducing many new sessions, including one about the new ballet based upon the story of Beren and Luthien. We’ll be posting more information on the specific sessions as soon as possible. Up-to-date schedule information for this programming track can be found [here].
To borrow a term from TheOneRing.net, this track is forged by fans for fans. We’d not be able to do it without you! If you have suggestions for a panel topic or programming event that you’d like to see at the track, or would like to participate in one of the panels, we want to hear from you. Just e-mail Jincey with your thoughts.