We’ve been eagerly anticipating this chat and tonight’s the night! Join us over in Barli’s room devoted to topical chat, #TheHallofFire, and learn all about The Art of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. [More]

Giorgia sent us a link to ABC Radio’s Radio National Nightclub program from last night : “You can listen to an interview with David Wenham in the 8.30 to 9.00pm link. His interview begins at approximately the 9 minute mark. [More] They talk a little about LOTR, and it seems David is also going back to do some more filming in NZ.”

A small but powerful gene has been named in honor of a small but powerful hobbit, according to Ben. [More]

Ben wrote: “There is a really cool article in Nature-Cell Biology about the developmental control of the eye and sight. And what, you may ask, does this have to do with the Lord of the Rings in any possible fashion? Well, the gene for eye and optical nerve development has been named Frodo. In short, Frodo gives you eyes and the the wonder of sight. Amon Hen has nothing on this!
He continues, “This is a frog gene… The story goes that the discoverers were so surprised that such a small and seemingly insignificant gene could have such major effects that they named it in Frodo’s honor. And it just keeps popping up with new and important functions. Cool, huh?”
Sure is.

A mysterious email arrived from NZ with no details other than “There has been a very limited screening of the 30min plus FOTR DVD.” [Screened for who, the people who made it? Industry insiders? – T.] “Interesting to know it has all been completed, makes the wait harder.”

Imagine if you were a LOTR fan as well as a Star Wars fan and somehow your favourite obsessions combined on one memorable day….[More]