Thanks to Arien, we have a link to the Gap “Denim Invasion” commercial that features Orlando Bloom. [More]

Mr. Clark sends us these great pics on the rather cool Bilbo action figure, check them out! [More]

Don’t forget to enter the Two Towers Teaser Poster contest! This is your chance to design a poster for The Two Towers and win great prizes. The first place winner gets a Sam and Bill the Pony statue and a Ted Nasmith signed poster! The contest ends May 15th. [More]

A Motueka horseman is seeking compensation for the injuries his horses allegedly suffered during filming of The Lord of the Rings. Rand Colgan, also known as Harmony Aquarian, is taking director Peter Jackson’s production company, Three Foot Six, to a disputes tribunal hearing in the Nelson District Court today. [More]

Kiratashi writes: While watching TV tonight I thought I recognized the guy in a commercial, it was Orlando Bloom (Legolas) walking down a street with a girl!! Everyone else on the street starts chasing after them and they start running. Then it fades out and says “Gap”.

Calisuri– I saw the ad last night during one of the final episdoes of the X-files. (Good episode last night btw!) The girl was Kate Beckinsale and Cameron Crowe supposedly directed it.