As the date for the release of FoTR comes nearer and nearer, I sit back and watch the media feeding frenzy begin.
Even though I am currently out to sea, we still get Satellite TV here. It looks as though this is going to be one of the biggest film events of the Century, but if they asked any one of us, we could have told them much sooner!!!
I see references to TORN just about everywhere I turn anymore. From an article I read in Entertainment Weekly, you know…. the one with the collective LOTR covers… I read a little bit about all us Ringers! It looks as though we regulars at Barliman’s were the most outspoken fans out there, and I wouldn’t have that any other way. I realize that since I joined the Navy, I have not been able to talk with y’all so much as I used to, but I was (and still am!!) part of something special, a part of pop culture and history. That is soooooooo cool. If I have kids, they’re gonna see these movies and I can tell them about all the friends I had that shared my love of this story. I had never felt like a part of something bigger than my hometown before I met y’all, and now my part, however small, is part of this great tapestry. Thank you all for giving me a chance to show the world just how much this story means to me, and for having the chance to meet all you wonderful people. And if a documentery were ever made about us, I hope that TheBursar will not be forgotten. If anyone deserves a documentary about what this film MEANS, it’s us. That would rock. So attention guys that make films like “Trekkers” and those films about the Star Wars franchise….you’re looking at a goldmine here with LOTR!
Thank you all for bringing me closer to the best story I’ve ever read,
Your Buddy,
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