Mjshep writes to say: “Media Play is advertising that the LOTR score soundtrack is to be sold on September 25 2001. I called the store in my city and it was confirmed!” Wow, can this be true??? Anyone else who can confirm this and tell us where the soundtrack’s for sale, hit the email! I can’t wait to hear that haunting hornsolo when Frodo says the fateful words ‘I will take the Ring, though I do not know the way’ …and the Maori chorus of men’s voices singing in Moria…..(Tehanu wipes drool off cat…..)
Nope, it’s just somebody jumping on the LOTR gravy train. The link for the music is here and you’ll notice it doesn’t give ANY details. Not the Shore score, I’ll be bound. Probably the Bakshi film from the 70s or something. Word is the real new soundtrack will be out ‘closer to the film’s release date.’