Don’t miss a great Hall of Fire this weekend! We continue with our Fellowship of the Ring chats with Chapter Ten:


Arguably one of Middle-earths greatest heros, in this chapter we get to see a glimps of the greatness that is embodied in Strider. From the moment the four hobbits come into contact with him, Strider proves his worth. Longshanks indeed!!

We offer three times for this live Tolkien chat. First time guests are always welcome!

Place: #thehalloffire on server; come to’s chat room Barliman’s and then type /join #thehalloffire .

Saturday Chat: 7:00 pm ET (19:00) [also 12:00 am Sunday (0:00) BST and 9:00 am Sunday (09:00) AET]

Sunday Chat: 8:00 pm (20:00) AET [also 11:00 am (11:00) BST and 6:00 am (06:00) ET]

Sunday Chat: 6:00 pm (18:00) BST [also 1:00 pm (13:00) ET and 3:00 am (03:00) Monday morning AET]

ET = Eastern Time, USA’s East Coast
BST = British Summer Time, GMT +1 hour
AET = Australian Eastern Time, Australia’s East Coast

Questions? Topics? Send ‘em here.